In the children’s classic, Peter Pan tells us that “all the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” Reflecting on this past year, we recognize the importance of faith and trust as a foundation to the mission of Saint Catherine Center. We recently took time to explore the role of faith and trust in the lives of the individuals we serve and their families. A deep connection to their faith, an appreciation for community, and openness to God’s love were evident in all of these conversations.
There is an intricate network of trust that exists between our families, staff, and donors. Knowing that our faith will guide us, we place our trust in each other. Our families trust us with their most precious treasures. Our staff trusts each other to help balance the needs of our individuals with the demands of the day. Our donors trust that their resources are effectively shepherded to support the mission of the Center. And our young people come to Saint Catherine’s with an open heart and a willingness to try to be their best selves because they trust us to safely guide them.
At Saint Catherine’s we are surrounded by faith and trust. Each interaction builds on the previous one and strengthens the overall relationship. In challenging times, these trusting relationships help us know that our foundation is strong and will prevail. But let’s not forget the pixie dust! That touch of magic, those moments of creativity and recognition when the ordinary becomes extraordinary – for those who believe.
Thank you for being part of our community of believers. Together we perform magic. I hope we can count on your partnership as we look to the future. May your world be filled with faith and trust and a touch of pixie dust!