Opening Our Hearts and Community
Saint Catherine Center serves a resource for members of parishes throughout the Diocese of Bridgeport. We partner with Directors of Religious Education, Youth Ministers, and the Diocesan Faith Formation team to meet the needs of people with disabilities and fully engage each individual in their parish community.
In addition to working with parish leadership, we coordinate community-based activities, including a dinner dance three times a year for adults with disabilities in the Diocese, as well as the Annual Mass for People with Special Needs. Contact us for more information.
“Saint Catherine Center for Special Needs is at the very heart of the mission of the Church, for if there was one thing that characterized Our Lord’s ministry, it was that He always stood by those who were vulnerable and in need–those whom the world would perhaps not want to serve.“
Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport
Our Goals
1. Reach out to people with disabilities and their families to support their participation in liturgy, the Sacraments, catechesis, faith formation, ministry, social life and mission of the church at the local parish level and the universal level.
2. Reduce the sense of isolation of people with disabilities and their families.
3. Support and collaborate with the efforts of parishes and parish leadership on inclusion strategies.
4. Support catechists through resource development, adaptation and training for catechesis and preparation for Sacraments.
5. Provide family support for their faith journey through outreach and development of faith-based support groups.
6. Provide resources through the website and parishes.

For Catechists
- Getting to know the Child with Special Needs
- Inclusive Faith Practices for Children with Autism
- Parent Interview Instructions and Form for Catechists
- Learning about Faith: Suggestions for Catechists
- Boosting Students’ Self-Confidence
- Social Stories as Tools
- Recognizing ADHD in the Classroom
- Dos & Don’ts with ADHD
- What Kids with ADHD Want Their Teachers to Know