At the heart of Saint Catherine Center a is dedicated force of unwavering commitment, selflessness and compassion—our volunteers! Their dedication enforces our mission, enriches the lives of those we serve, and fortifies the foundation of our organization.
Volunteers are heroes to non-profits like ours, helping turn ideas, events, and programs into successes. Our monthly peanut butter and jelly sandwich service projects would not be possible without the help of our volunteers. Through their hands-on involvement, volunteers assist students and staff in making 300 PB&J sandwiches to be donated to Merton House, a local food pantry each month.
Beyond our Center, our volunteers also extend their reach into the community, assisting our young adults at jobsites. They take time out of their day to ensure our students and young adults live fulfilling lives.
Our Board of Directors stand as leaders guiding the strategic direction of Saint Catherine Center. Their commitment, care, and efforts ensure the success and sustainability of our programs. We are grateful for each board member for bringing their expertise to build a future filled with promise and possibility.
Our volunteers also help make each event we host possible. From the annual gala, where critical funds are raised, to our annual Mass celebrating individuals with special needs, to the Christmas pageant and many more, each occasion would not be possible without the team of volunteers supporting our mission. It is their unwavering commitment that transforms these visions into reality.
To each and every one of our volunteers, we extend our deepest appreciation. Your dedication and selfless contributions make a lasting positive impact on our organization.
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